How To Use
All registered members must be 18 years old or over
Complete the registration process
You will be sent a registration confirmation email to your inbox within 15 mins (check your junk box)
Follow the instructions in the registration confirmation email and "Thats It"
You are ready to enjoy Revelations Classifieds.
Post unlimited ads with unlimited words and up to 9 photos totally FREE.
Get to know your account dashboard where you can delete or edit ads amd mark ads as sold or rented.
You can also take advantage of our extras such as Highlghted Ads, Urgent Ads, Featured Ads and your
own Dealers Page all for a small cost.
Highlighted Ads show in a different colour from normal ads in order to stand out and be more visible.
Urgent Ads are labelled Urgent.
Featured ads are the first 6 ads at the top of the relavent search page, and show randomly when the relavent search is executed,
For Example: If there are 7 or more registered featured ads for a certain item then each user that does a search for that item will see 6 randomly chosen featured ads (from the 8 or more registered featured ads) at the top of the search page.
Highlighted Ads £7 for 7 Days
Urgent Ads £7 for 7 Days
Featured Ads £7 for 7 Days
Dealers Page where all your ads are listed on one page £5 for 30 Days
Payments for our extras are processed safe and securely by Pay Pal.
To remove your account log in and click on Account Info
Scroll down to Request Account Removal
Follow the instructions to remove your account
When buying through this website always arrange to meet with the seller in safe and secure surroundings and if possible take another person with you.
Do not give any monies to the seller until you are satisfied that the product you are paying for is as advertised.
Revelations Classifieds cannot be held responsible for any transaction disputes between buyers and sellers.
Revelations Classifieds